BAOS SDK  18.2.0
Deprecated List
Member kdrive::baos::BaosDatapointDescriptions::at (unsigned int id) const
use get instead
Class kdrive::baos::BaosHeartbeat
In a previous version did the StreamConnector no heartbeat. Now th StreamConnector implemented internally the heartbeat. So this class is no more needed. Its exists only for backward compatibility.
Member kdrive::baos::BaosServerItems::getProtocolVersion () const
use getBinaryProtocolVersion instead
Class kdrive::baos::ScopedBaosHeartbeat
This class exists only for backward compatibility.
Class kdrive::baos::StreamConnection
Use ScopedBaosConnection instead. This class calls only the functions from BaosConnection.
Class ScopedStreamConnection
Use ScopedBaosConnection instead